08 November, 2013

How Daniel Bryan can take on the corporatio​n

So basically Daniel Bryan is currently fighting a losing battle. His fight against the corporation is becoming an uphill struggle with screw job after screw job out of the WWE title. In this article I'm going to look at the ways that Daniel Bryan can take the fight to them.

Teaming up:

Currently an alliance is being formed between the two indie darlings of himself and CM Punk. Both are incredibly talented wrestlers and have both fought against authority in the past. Most notably CM punk with his now infamous pipe bomb promo. The two teaming up and fighting against the newly formed corporation will do wonders and rejuvenate the picture as two underdogs fighting against the corporate machine in a bid to do the right thing. Sounds like the makings of a film... Wwe studios anyone? But in all seriousness, these two paired together have shown that they can deliver quality match after quality match and teamed together, who knows what they could be capable of.

Bryan forms a Midcard alliance:

Stars such as Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, RVD (when he returns) and others could all team up and take on the corporation. A locker room revolt if you will. With the addition of Kane to the corporate stable it adds an extra dimension of unpredictability and intrigue. If the locker room unites against the injustices being caused by HHH and co, it would lead to some great matches and promos and give exposure to stars that are in a Great need of air time such as Zack Ryder.

Unfortunately, Bryan is being put In a programme with the Wyatt Family which I'm not totally against as I think the Wyatt family could be a fantastic team and really thrive within the company. I mean, how damn creepy is Bray Wyatt?! But for the time being, Bryan's dreams of crushing the corporation have been put on hold as well as his quest for the WWE title. Who knows what will happen come survivor series? All will be revealed soon.
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