04 March, 2015

Curtis Axel's Current Gimmick Is Reviving His WWE Career

Not getting a chance to enter the Royal Rumble has turned out to be the elixir for Curtis Axel's WWE ailing career. Who would have thought that getting clubbed from behind would lead to rejuvenation? 

Axel stumbling into a new gimmick that has him more over than he ever has been is a testament to the unpredictable nature of wrestling success.

After his alliance with Paul Heyman wound down, Axel found himself at the bottom of the tag team division with Ryback. When The Big Guy went out with injury, the spotlight did not often touch Axel's skin. He was lucky to appear on Superstars and battle some other struggling midcarder.

Then came the Royal Rumble, the impetus for the most unexpectedly entertaining angle in 2015 so far.

Axel contends that because Erick Rowan ambushing him that night prevented him from being in the Rumble that he should be the winner of that bout and headline WrestleMania. He will tell anyone who will listen, online or onscreen, that he was never eliminated:

Beyond him being delusional, he has taken to being exuberantly boastful. His shtick is more over the top than when he was claiming to be "better than perfect."

It's like a wrestler doing an impression of a wrestler. 

He tries to get fans to chant "Axelmania." He provides a running clock for how long he has been in the Rumble match. 

Most recently, he has taken to borrowing Hulk Hogan's signature colors and poses to add depth and ridiculousness to the act. The WWE Universe Twitter account showed him in full-on Hulkstermode:

Whether WWE came up with this for him or Axel created this version of his persona himself, someone deserves kudos. This is the most entertaining Axel has been.

He's never been strong on the mic. His promos always sounded too rehearsed. This gimmick doesn't require him to be a good actor. Instead, it demands that he play a single noteā€”but loudly and with great passion.

His severe overvaluing of his own worth invites ridicule and laughter. While that may not sound like what a performer wants, the key to rising in wrestling is a getting a reaction. And Axel is getting more of a reaction now than he did even when he was under Heyman's wing.

The last year has been home to surprising takes on the heel role.

The Miz is a D-lister who believes himself to be an A-lister. Tyson Kidd is a jerk to his wife and loves his cats to the point of audience discomfort. Add Axel to that list of odd villains.

He has found a vehicle for him to connect with the crowd. He has found a path out of blandness.  

Mick Foley, for one, believes that big things are ahead for the third-generation Superstar:

That's not something many folks would have said a few months ago. There also would be no basis to the argument that Axel was the most entertaining part of an edition of Raw. On Monday night, though, by tearing his shirt and tooting his own horn, he made a case for himself to be in that discussion.

The key to keeping this going will be finding a way to adjust this act so that it can live past WrestleMania. 

Perhaps he can channel Chris Jericho and claim a conspiracy kept him off the marquee for that event. He can create petitions to get a title shot or continually bug whoever is champ.

Maybe he gets cheated out of entering the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and a new "I was never eliminated" campaign begins.

Whatever path WWE takes, it would be wise to find a way to keep this fire going. It's rare that a wrestler's supply of momentum changes so quickly and with such little effort.

There is more fun to be had with Axel; WWE can't let the surprise hit of the year just fade away.

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