10 January, 2014

What has been going on in the WWE

@xIMikeeyyx is back with a new blog:

So, it's been a while. Happy new year. Hope you all had a good festive period. Mine wasn't great. Probably about as good as Zack Ryder's career. That pretty much sums it up! But I digress, let's look at what's been going on!

Daniel Wyatt:

Daniel Bryan finally succumbed to Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt family and followed the buzzards. Bryan looks like a glorified petrol station/gas station attendant and is supposed to be taken seriously? Not one week before he was a fan favourite with crowds incredibly over on him and not getting any 1 But officials within the WWE weren't too high on him unlike the wwe universe are. I hate the term universe but nonetheless that's what were referred to as. From my perspective,a  Bryan joining the Wyatt family gives credibility and legitimacy to themselves and actually makes them appear to be a force to be reckoned with. When all Is said and done, Bryan needs to turn on Bray and regain his status as a main eventer within the company as we all know he can be so successful within that position. 

Big E:

I need 5 cos 3 ain't enough... I love that line. It's awesome. It epitomises how powerful and brutish Big E can truly be. If creative handle his push correctly, there's a real chance he could become a real star within the company in a year or so, much like Roman Reigns can be (but more to come from that later). He has strength, in ring ability and incredible amounts of charisma and personality and that's something that is paramount in the current situe of the WWE. If he continues the way he is going, bringing legitimacy and prestige to the intercontinental title, he can make a real push for the main event scene and remain a true contender. Hopefully knocking "Supercena" from his perch. 

The Shield & Roman Reigns:

Roman Reigns began life as the quiet powerhouse of The Shield. But has quickly become the most influential and potential holding member in quite a short time. He was the last man standing at Survivor Series which served as a precursor for who Vince McMahon believed was the strongest member with the biggest potential of the faction. Many of you may disagree with Vinny Mac. But I have to agree. He has the look and style that works within the company, albeit without the experience and charisma that Rollins & Ambrose may possess. But the matter of the fact is, he has a believable character that could work seemlessly as a face or a heel a la Batista. Rollins & Ambrose are both outstanding workers with Rollins rivalling Dolph Ziggler as the king of selling, whilst Ambrose delivers dark compelling promos week in week out, the star with the most potential is the big Samoan - Roman Reigns. 

That's all from me guys! Let me know what you think on twitter - @xIMikeeyyx

Remember to give us a follow on Twitter: @WWExtraa & @WWELiveTalk

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